Who is Driving the Boat? Internal Vs External Locus


When considering this concept of internal vs external locus the famous words of John Lennon come to mind,

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans

Now, while it might not fit perfectly, the consideration of how ‘active’ or ‘passive’ we are as individuals towards the course of our life is captured, while also considering how aware are we in doing so?

The idea of internal vs external locus was first defined by Julian Rotter back in the mid 20th century and upholds the concept that people tend to believe that ‘control’ over events and outcomes in their environment comes from within (internally from self), or exists from their surroundings (externally from others).

Yet never is life so black or white. While some might be wholly internal or external, in general we will be somewhere in the middle. An example might show at home one is internal, while at work more external.

Internal locus is often used interchangeable with self-determination, personal agency and empowerment. Whereas external locus on control leaves events and factor down to luck, chance or randomness (i.e. non-empowered = disempowered).

At any moment, we have the choice of either an empowered mindset or a disempowered mindset.

Someone with an internal locus will adopt an attitude of full responsibility of their thoughts, action and behaviours. They are fully accountable for both cause and effect and shoulder the responsibility without placing it elsewhere. They choose an empowered mindset.

They are likely to have taken full responsibility for their strengths, weaknesses and their awareness of the tension between, believing they are in charge of their life and can determine their own future.

At the other end of the scale, those with an external locus of control will look to external sources as to the state of their own being. Feeling disempowered to enact something new they may look at others in blame or excuse, without considering their own behaviour as influencing the outcome. External Locus people tend to report feelings of ‘hopelessness’, ‘low confidence’ when an event feels out of control.

Your personal stance can have a major impact on your life; from how you might react or respond to any event, cope with stress, relate to yourself or others and how intrinsically motivated towards an action, if you believe your actions make a difference.

Internal locus people tend to work harder to achieve the things they want, feel more confident with challenge, report to be happier, more successful and independent. They also tend to be more physically healthier.


Questions for Self-Refection

1. What are your thoughts between these two mindsets?

2. In which direction do you feel more inclined?

3. What are areas of frustration or challenge in your life might you take more responsibility for?

4. What changes would you like to make today?

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